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International Tennis Number Assessments

With the donations of cones, extra balls and a ball basket – we were able to set up the tennis court to give the Junior National Squad an on court assessment to get an International Tennis Number (ITN).  This on court assessment is widely used in other parts of the world to grade a tennis players ability for competition. The ITN is slowly progressing worldwide in the tennis world to encourage all tennis players to get this number.

The assessments involved volunteers marking out the tennis court in relation to the ITN Assessment guidelines to test the players groundstrokes, serve and volleying, depth and accuracy.  A timed athletic and speed test was also included in the assessment.  This was a great addition to the National Juniors training routine as it was challenging and exciting for them to get their own number between 1-10 [1 being Professional] as a ranking for competition. 

Rob setting up...I think its over 6 foot....but just to make sure...

All over to you coach...


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