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British Volunteer takes tennis to the hills of Ghana!

July 2008

British volunteer Mary Thackray with 'Teaching Projects Abroad' sends through news and photos of introducing new tennis activity in Ghana

'In Akwapem Hills, 1 hour north of Accra, since bringing a couple of tennis rackets and tubes of balls with me, I seemed to have sparked genuine interest and enthusiasm amongst some of the young kids and teenagers in the town where I am staying. None of them had played tennis before and to see them pick up a racket and ball and be able to play a rally with eachother so quickly was fantastic to see! There is an old neglected court in the village of Mamfe, the only one in the whole area and we have been to renovate it'.

How cool is that..ATA plans to collect further equipment to aid the community in the Akwapem Hills.

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