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MOTIVATE AFRICA 2022 Summer Appeal

Its British summer and the height of tennis season!

Summer 2022 saw incoming tennis donations again for Sam Jalloh's MOTIVATE AFRICA programmes to bring tennis to wider sport-deprived communities in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Kenya, Cameroon, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Thank you to April Todd for the generous gift of tennis balls from Queens Tennis Club that hosted Cinch Championships and to volunteer coaches and players from community tennis charity Tennis For Free in Merton, London for donations of rackets, teaching cones, trainers and more balls...always want tennis balls!

Head Coach Jake Carruthers and members of Sutton Churches Tennis Club donated 7 rackets, 9 pairs of trainers, 3 canisters of balls and lots of womens sports wear. Sutton Churches LTC has always supported Africa Tennis Aid appeals over the years and thank them once again for the donations!

During Wimbledon, Head Coach Grant Fellows and Nick Stansby at Limitless Tennis and Cranleigh Tennis and Social Club - Merton Park in London rummaged around their equipment storage to give the very generous donation of 66 children's rackets and tennis shoes!

Liam Hanlon who recently climbed up to the top of the world by reaching the summit of 'Mount Everest.', donated 1,000 T-shirts and £500 for Sam's Motivate Africa Programme. As well as supporting each others causes, Sam and Liam are both volunteers for Liverpool Heartbeat Foundation that helps young people in Merseyside to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals. Thank you to Bruce Moore for all his endless support in helping Sam receive more donations of equipment, and storing them all safely.

Lots of equipment donations ready to go!

Last donations of the year came from Tom Goodliffe, Manager of Cheam Sports shop in Cheam Village for donating sports wear for Women & Girls. Cheam Sports has been a family owned business since 1985 and have been supportive of Africa Tennis Aid over the years aswell as being the best place in the community to get your tennis needs and sports gear!

Grant Fellows was also able to rustle up 10 more adult rackets from his coaching closet and donated them for Sam's intended grassroots tennis programmes to motivate youths to get involved with sports and community.

Sam plans to send half of his donations to Sierra Leone, Ghana and Nigeria in 2022 and take the rest to East Africa in the future.

YOU CAN HELP! Some equipment will be shipped out to Africa in November. If you are willing to support please see link below as Sam always needs help with funds to pay for shipments.

Have tennis equipment to donate? Willing to send to the UK or to Africa? Get in touch


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