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August 2009 News

June 2009

First shipment of books from Ghana Learning Project for the Winneba School Book Appeal arrives at the school! Philip Baah, PE teacher writes......

'I am now sorting the books out for donation, to both the primary, Junior High School and some probably for the

Senior High schools especially the advanced geography and art books.

Thanks very much for the help from everyone and the chance you are all providing for Ghanaian most especially

children and students in Winneba. It is my hope to help them put it to the best use.

Schools are on vacation and would re-open in the first week of September at which time the Presentations would

be made and to give the donated pens out to those who are graduating to the 1st year Junior High.'

Donated tennis balls from Sutton Tennis Academy, London, UK reach Coach Noah and the clan at Winneba so they can keep on playing :D

Thanks everyone.......

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